Zero Tolerance Metrology

Zero Tolerance Metrology services many industries in precision alignment. Precise alignments for machinery, buildings, aircraft, oil and gas, In metrology (the science of measurement), a standard is an object, system, or experiment that bears a defined relationship to a unit of measurement of a physical quantity.

Metrology and quality assurance are crucial matters in micro-technology. When measuring the outer dimensions of green bodies and sintered parts one can rely on the measurement systems developed for application in micro-electronic or micro-electro-mechanical systems/micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/MOEMS) fabrication

Many manufacturing processes — like CNC machining and injection molding — rely on machinery, molds, and tooling that can wear down with use. This can result in problematic physical differences in parts, such as unacceptable tolerances and other inaccuracies, that can render them nonfunctional, present quality issues, and even impede regulatory compliance, depending on the severity and nature of the inconsistency. Leveraging metrology best practices can help manufacturers mitigate such risks and guarantee consistent part quality.

Zero Tolerance Metrology