Generating Quality Business Leads.

More than fifteen years ago Lynn Hudson quit her nursing job to start her own business called Melody Music Studios. The studio teaches piano and voice lessons in the town of Cary, NC. Shortly after opening her doors, Lynn realized that she needed a way to market her new business and generate more clients. Nothing happens very fast when you start a new business, especially marketing and new leads.

Over the next six months, Lynn looked into Yellow Book marketing, website costs, and e-mailing marketing. Yellow Book was very expensive and their ad would not show up until seven months later. Website costs were less expensive but Lynn did not have the capital to start that project. Lynn ended up marketing her new business with business fliers, talking to as many people as possible, and word of mouth.

Lynn told this story to her friends and was often asked “When did the business takeoff”. It wasn’t until her husband had her logo, tagline, and website published. In a short amount of time, Melody Music Studios was up to twenty-five students and rolling. New pianos were purchased with barter since most banks wouldn’t lend a new business the operating capital it needs to get started without mortgaging her firstborn child. Lynn looked into the SBA but sadly they did absolutely nothing to help her. The website and lead-generating software offered by ACS Web Marketing became the weapon of choice when generating new business. For every new customer who signed up, the business costs were pennies on the dollar. This unique approach was not only cost-effective but hit the nail on the head.

Today Melody Music Studios LLC can be easily found on Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines including keywords such as piano lessons and voice lessons. If you are a new business spend your time doing the following: Define your business online web name. Get an unbiased quote of the costs to start a business website and not a personal website. I’m sorry Weblee is not a VALID source for website development.

Work with your webmaster to set up the right strategy and marketing. Make sure he or she is local and can meet with you one on one. Do not be deceived by cheap prices on the internet. You pay for what you get. “Caveat Emptor” buyer beware. Have enough capital saved to get your company up and running. Research your competition to find out what they are doing to get to page one.
ACS Web Marketing serves Raleigh and all NC areas and more.. Call today to get solid advice and a quote. Call Today 919-302-8457